CUCKOO AWARDS - Exclusive Interview With Happy Ending Team
映画「幸福な結末」は、Cuckoo International Film Awardsで、最優秀国際映画賞、最優秀男優賞、最優秀監督賞、最優秀プロデューサー賞を受賞しました。制作チームがこの映画祭から受けたビデオインタビューの日本語字幕付きのショートバージョンです。
The film "Happy Ending" won the "BEST INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM""BEST ACTOR""BEST DIRECTOR""BEST PRODUCER"awards at the Indian film festival Cuckoo International Film Awards.Here is a video of an exclusive interview the "Happy Ending" film team received from the Cuckoo International Film Awards.This video is a short version with Japanese subtitles. If you are not fluent in English, please watch this version.
Click here for the full English version.
Awards and Honors
"Happy Ending" has been selected and won awards at this film festival so far. Currently, to our delight, we have been selected and awarded at 103 film festivals.
CUCKOO AWARDS - Exclusive Interview
With Happy Ending Team
映画「幸福な結末」は、Cuckoo International Film Awardsで、最優秀国際映画賞、最優秀男優賞、最優秀監督賞、最優秀プロデューサー賞を受賞しました。制作チームがこの映画祭 から受けたビデオインタビューの日本語字幕付きのショートバージョンです。
The film "Happy Ending" won the "BEST INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM""BEST ACTOR""BEST DIRECTOR""BEST PRODUCER"awards at the Indian film festival Cuckoo International Film Awards.Here is a video of an exclusive interview the "Happy Ending" film team received from the Cuckoo International Film Awards.This video is a short version with Japanese subtitles. If you are not fluent in English, please watch this version.
Click here for the full English version.
第2回セイロン国際映画祭 授賞式
2nd Ceylon International Film Festival Award Ceremony
Best Film Award
Best Screenplay Award
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role Award (Kana Shimizu)
第2回セイロン国際映画祭 授賞式
場所 ロベロ・シアタ ー
33 E. Canon Perdido
カリフォルニア州サンタバーバラ 93101
2nd Ceylon International Film Festival Awards Ceremony
Saturday, October 28, 2023
4:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Place Lobero Theatre
33 E. Canon Perdido Santa Barbara, CA 93101