“Love's Greeting”Awards & Screening Information
The Vancouver Asian Film Festival is Canada's oldest Asian film festival, screening approximately 40 feature and short films from around the country and abroad each year. 40,000 people attend the festival during its four-day run. The film “Love's Greetings” was selected as an official invitation film.
○上映日時 Screening Date
Saturday, November 16, 2024
○上映会場 Screening Venue
Scotiabank Theatre Vancouver - Aud 4
900 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 3G5, Canada
○入場料 admission fee
$1,500 Canadian
Click here for ticket sales
第5回 Suhara Music Fes
10:20 - 10:30 舞台挨拶
10:30 - 11:00 本編上映(英語字幕付き)
北部生涯学習センター かきつばた(メインホール)
○入場料 無料
We hope you enjoy the film "Love's Greeting" which was made under a completely independent production system. We hope that as many people as possible will be able to see the film.
Screening venues are not limited to movie theaters. We will screen your film at restaurants, community centers, temples, and other venues with sufficient screening environment. We are always looking for screening venues, so please feel free to contact us via message if you are interested.