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よくあるご質問 Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently asked questions are listed below. If you do not see your question, please use the Contact Us form.


What is Mikawa Eiga?


 また、映画制作を通した人間力の成長も重要な目的になっています。単にクオリティの高い映画をつくることができれば目的が達成されるわけではなく、その過程での人間的な成長も不可欠になります。映画制作をすることで、地域に人間力の高い人材が増え、その結果、地域の活性化につながると考えています。▶ブログ「私は変わった」 ▶ブログ「夢の種」

 We, the staff of Mikawa Eiga, are not professional filmmakers. We do not have enough money for production, and we have only inexpensive equipment for shooting. Our goal is to make high quality films with a completely independent production system based in the Mikawa region of Aichi Prefecture, where we live, and to transmit them throughout Japan and to the world.
 Another important objective is the development of human skills through filmmaking. Simply making high quality films is not enough to achieve our goal; it is also essential to grow as a person in the process. We believe that film production will increase the number of human resources with high human skills in the community, which in turn will lead to the revitalization of the community.

Where do you collect the funds to make the film?



T The two films produced by "Mikawa Eiga" to date both started with a production budget of zero yen. We do not have a sufficient budget as in the case of commercial films, but we are making films with the cooperation of local people who agree with the goals and ideas of "Mikawa Eiga".
 We "Mikawa Eiga" solve problems by spending time and human connections, not money. We do not believe that dreams cannot come true without money, and we believe that by not using money as a means to solve problems, we can deepen human connections and cultivate human skills.

Where will the completed film be released to the public (theaters)?




 We at "Mikawa Eiga" do not begin production with a guarantee of theatrical release, but with the vision (dream) of making a film of theatrical release quality that can be transmitted throughout the country and the world. The process of making a film with a dream is more important to us than the result of theatrical release. This is because one of the important purposes of our filmmaking is to develop people and communities.
 Of course, if the finished film is of a quality worthy of theatrical release, we believe that theatrical release is possible. We want as many people as possible to see our films, so we will not limit ourselves to movie theaters, but will also hold grassroots screenings at community centers, temples, sports bars, and any other places where a screening environment is available. If you share our desire and would like to see "Mikawa Eiga", please contact us by filling out the inquiry form.

If I become a staff member or actor in a "Mikawa Eiga" film production, will I get paid?





 We at "Mikawa Eiga" are like children playing in a sandbox, making films with the pure intention of "doing whatever we want as much as we want. Since we are not in the business of making commercial films for the purpose of making money, the cast (actors) and staff do not ask for remuneration, but work on a hand-to-mouth basis (without remuneration). Although you will not earn any money by participating in our film production, if each participant has the determination to work through to the end, you will gain various things, such as the passion to pursue your dreams, the joy of connecting with others, and personal growth. By fighting together with our friends, we can overcome obstacles that we could not overcome on our own, and this is also a place for growth.
 If the film is successful at the box office, the money will be fed back into the production fund, and if more money is raised, it will be used to fund the production of the next "Mikawa Eiga".
 We will not rely on famous or well-known directors or actors for the production of our films, as our priority is to discover and promote talented actors and directors who will go out into the world through "Mikawa Eiga". We do not ask famous actors to appear in our productions in order to raise the profile of our films. Of course, we are open to having famous actors who share our vision and are willing to fight alongside us, and who have the initial desire to be famous.

Is the production of "Mikawa Eiga" really effective in revitalizing the city?

 映画制作によって、まちが活性化するかは、私たちの“三河映画”のメンバーを始め、映画制作に関わって頂く方々の取り組み方次第だと思っています。これまでの2本の映画制作では、チャレンジ精神にあふれたキャストやスタッフが集結し、さらに、キャストやスタッフの熱い想い(夢)に共感して頂いたまちの人たちがつながり、映画制作後も新たな活動を生み出していったと思います。今後も、“三河映画”の映画制作が起点になり、そうした波紋を広がっていくことができると信じています。▶ブログ「人が育つ喜び」 ▶ブログ「"まちおこし"映画について」 ▶ブログ「ゴールは何処か」

 I believe that the revitalization of a town through film production depends on the approach of the people involved in the film production, including the members of our "Mikawa Eiga" team. In the past two film productions, the cast and crew gathered together with a spirit of challenge, and the people of the town who shared the passion (dreams) of the cast and crew connected with them, creating new activities even after the film was produced. I believe that the "Mikawa Eiga" film production will be the starting point for further ripples in the future.

In what ways can local people participate and help in the production of the film?




 We at "Mikawa Eiga" do not require any filmmaking skills from those who wish to participate. We welcome people of all ages and both men and women, as long as they are willing to fight together with the desire to "make their dreams come true," "grow beyond what they are doing now," or "take on a new challenge.
 As film is called a comprehensive art form, our activities cover a wide range of fields. We can help you in any way we can. Our base of operations is in the Mikawa region of Aichi Prefecture, but even if you live far from there, you can participate in the activities of "Mikawa Eiga" in various ways, such as production, screening, and promotion. Please contact us by filling out the inquiry form.

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