あらすじ Story
大学生の早紀は、はたからは家族関係も問題なく平穏な生活を送っていたが、心の奥に孤独を抱えていた。ある日、彼女はキャンパスで玲奈の存在を知り、一気に魅了される。玲奈のように 痩せて美しくなり、誰からも愛されたいという思いが芽生えるが、早紀と玲奈の関係は悪化。傷ついた早紀は、そのストレスから食べ吐きを繰り返し、摂食障害に陥ってしまう。治療のため山奥の施設に入所し、入所者との共同生活を送るが、その先には予想もしない出来事が待っていた…
Saki, a college student, lived a peaceful life without any problems with her family, but she held the feeling of loneliness in her heart. One day she met Rena on campus and she was fascinated by her appearance. She wished to become thin and beautiful like Rena, and be loved by everyone, but the relationship between Saki and Rena deteriorated. From this painful feeling, Saki starts to repeatedly vomit her food from the stress, and she falls into an eating disorder. She enters a facility in the mountains for treatment, she lives with the patients, but beyond that awaits an unexpected event ...
制作意図 Production Design
The director of this film is a former elementary school teacher, and when she reunited with her student for the first time in more than a dozen years, she revealed her real experience that made her ears doubtful. Her grown-up student had become one of the darknesses of modern society, "eating disorders." Family relations and friendships collapsed, and in search of a helping hand, he arrived at a facility in the mountains, but he experienced a shocking incident there. This work is a story created based on the true story. Set in the present age of discommunication and satiety, it depicts the pain of the hearts of modern people through social problems such as eating disorders and DV.
予告編 Trailer
キャスト CAST
大村早紀 Saki Omura
Nonoka Ishikawa
翔子 Shoko Omura
Mutsumi Kato
早紀の父 Saki's father
Eisaku Shindo
先生 Doctor
Senko Hida
早紀の母 Saki's mother
Hako Oshima
オーナー Owner
Shinsuke Takahashi
さゆり Sayuri
Kayo Yamamoto
トモエ Tomoe
Biwa Shishimi
マイコ Maiko
Ayaka Oji
制作メイキング話 Making of a Story
◀Ben-Joe メイキングトーク「オーディションの裏側」
◀Ben-Joe メイキングトーク「マジ喧嘩の真相 監督vs主演」
All of us participated in the production of the film "Ben-Joe" without pay, and it was a time-consuming process that emphasized human connections rather than money.
Locations were searched for locations that would provide free cooperation, and the film was shot in 33 locations. Props and props were gathered with the help of about 300 people.
Auditions were held over a period of seven months to assemble the ideal cast. This was followed by a month-long series of filming and acting workshops, as well as a three-day, two-night camp workshop. Nearly 100 actors participated in these workshops. Rehearsals were held over a four-month period, and two trailers were produced prior to filming.
The sets were built on the site of a former elementary school in Tsugu, Aichi Prefecture, where the film was shot in a 3-month camp. The entire shooting was conducted over a period of about a year, incorporating seasonal elements. After editing, the film was brushed up and completed after a year of screening screenings.
スタッフ CREW
監督/ 岩松あきら
Director Akira Iwamatsu
脚本/ 清水雅人
Screenplay by Masato Shimizu
撮影/ 沓澤武志
Director of Photography/Takeshi Kutsuzawa
メイク・ヘアメイク・特殊メイク/ 岩井菜摘
Hairstyles and make-up, Special Makeup/Natsumi Iwai
助監督/ 荒川慎吾 高橋佑奈
Assistant Director/ Shingo Arakawa, Yuna Takahashi
制作/ 彬田れもん
Production Manager/Lemon Sugita
Producer/Akira Iwamatsu
上映時間 / Running Time 136min.50sec.
制作国 / Country of Origin Japan
言語 / Language Japanese
フォーマット / Shooting Format Digital
アスペクト比/ Aspect Ratio 16:9
カラー / Film Color Color